
Sea of Stars

The tender story about your personal baggage and whatever you make of it.
An installation that can be installed anywhere. Room, tent, a bedroom. Maybe a closet, never tried it there.

Length: 15 minutes per person. With guided viewings.
Performers: 3
Tech in/out: Site Specific but,  1 hour/90 minutes/12 hours.

Non-screen shadow puppetry, paper based Bunraku and you. One person at a time or group of no more than 5.

Best fits: Small venues, art galleries, and alternative venues that can be darkened.

"A one of a kind, fantastic  journey, with an abundance of audience participation..", audience member that was likely a journalist major.

Tall Tales from Tiny Town

Told one person at a time.
Have you ever experienced a show done just for you?
Have you had time to really look at things?
This is an immersive work.

Length: 3/15 minutes.
Performers: 3
Tech in/out: 1 day / 150 min

Object Puppetry and storytelling. Theater of place.

Best fits: Larger buildings with rooms.