Some whimsical background. Founded in wanderlust and awe, so the members of the company could learn and give back to their communities. They built a show called "Waiting for a Train"; no talking, beautiful music, lively physical theater, found-object puppetry, and the literary genre of Magical Realism. It toured to many places and won many awards. The theater continues, the original performers have moved on, like dandelions in the wind to work within the communities they so love.
The duller background. Founded in 1995 as an international touring company by Emmy award winning puppeteer Tim Giugni, Teatro Calamari pursues theatrical engagement with productions that weave puppetry and physical theater into whimsical and innovative theater experiences for the entire family.
These things speak to us…
as of July 7, 2024at around 12:36 PST
The Mission Statement is...
a living document and tool.
That should be changed often
so that you can see how the company has grown and changed.
Sometimes over a few weeks.
Sometimes over decades.
But the company and all that sail her, must grow.
Theater can only be reproduced LIVE,
with an invested, living audience and cast.
- This is why it's not called a movie -
2020 Caveat: Theater continues, online, taking the mantle of
Early television. May this continue to grow and be kept
so that when COVID is over, we can enjoy theatre from around the world.
(But the content should still be presented live)
It's okay to spell theater, theatre
and theatre, theater.
Just don't do it in the same sentence.
Performers must be explorers
and get lost, frustrated,
and question their abilities.
That’s part of the job.
It's unfortunate that it doesn't happens enough.
Theater is a dialogue.
Between the stage and audience.
Between your inner child and outer adult
or outer child and the adult you will be.
Honor those in the art that came before us.
Help those that come after us.
Do not mourn the past.
Do not diminish the future.
Do not EVER piss in someone's oatmeal.
This is about the how of another's presentation or art form. Still working on saying it better.
Honor gender pronouns.
Promote- do not consume, other cultures.
Juuuuuust don't.
Explore more. Pander less.
Make the shows you want to see.
You will find an audience, in theater or the arts.
Don't let the dead and gone dictate the here and now.
Theaters come and go.
Learn from what they did.
Their "then" is not your now.
Pay the cast. In some way.
First in cash.
Second in travel.
Third in food.
Fourth in experience.
Just say, "Thanks"
--- It is best to do all of them. ---
Blindly following theater dogma is no.
Questions must be asked of the performers,
of the place, the theater, and of the audience.
This interaction, creates the vibrant experience.
-and makes for new theater goers.
Theater is a primal part
of the human social experience.
Wonder is what it is called.
When a bridge is built between
adult that you are
and the child that you were
and they are given a place to meet.
Non sequiturs are cool.
No, the fish not the author.
No Secrets. Secrets kill. (1995)
Our actors do not hide. We do not hide.
Rehearsals are live cast on Facebook or YouTube or you can come and watch (2022-)
We talk to and play with our audience after each show (since forever, 1987, we borrowed this from Tears of Joy Theater).
How else are you going to make the next generation of theater goers and doers if you don't?
FEED the art, not the building. (2021)
The Mission Statement is boiled down to this
Experience new cultures, places, people, and grow.
(Again, promote- do not consume, other cultures.)
Find and promote the Other voices,
(Not just the ones in your head.)
Infinite diversity, infinite combinations.
Yes, we borrowed the IDIC thing from Star Trek
Because it is true.
We also lifted the Magical Realism from Latin America literature.
Because it's cool. Read Gabriel Garcia Marquez now.

This page prone to hyperbole and delirium.
Use with caution.
Consult your doctor if theatre lasts more than a week.